My working sets
Squats 5x155lbs x5
Military press 5x45lbs x5
Deadlift 5x185lbs x5
Pullups 5x5 with 25lbs
Incline dumbbell press 5x45lbs x5
Smooth ass to grass squats, didn't stall, and will definitely increase the weight by 10lbs
Military press was okay, I struggled to bring my left shoulder up on the 5th set, due to an accident at the gym. increasing the weight by 10lbs
Deadlifts were perfect! my form was on point, left behind some leg
hairs. switching things up and making Wednesday deadlift day instead of Monday. Increasing the weight by 10lbs.
Did 5 muscle ups to warm up along with some normal pullups. Went wide grip
with a 25lb dumbbell for 3sets, then 2sets with a closer grip. Increasing the weight by 5lbs.
Decided to work with dumbbells instead of barbel for chest because of my imbalance. I decided to compromise my chest days by making, Monday flat dumbbell press, Wednesday dumbbell incline press, and obviously decline dumbbell press for Friday.
I have high expectations for my strength gains. so far so good, only thing i need to work on is my diet.